Dr. Emmanuel C. Lallana has worked with academic/research institutions, business groups, civil society organizations, Philippine government agencies (like the Department of Health, Commission on Higher Education, Department of Education and Career Executive Service Board) and international organizations (UN and World Bank). He served the Philippine government as a political appointee of President Fidel V. Ramos (as Deputy Director, Foreign Service Institute) and President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (as Commissioner, Commission on Information and Communications Technology). He received a letter of commendation from President Benigno S. Aquino III for ‘laudable work’ as a member of the Philippines’ High Level Task Force on ASEAN Connectivity.
He is Co-Investigator, UK-Philippines ICT in Disasters Consortium. This consortium involves researchers from Leicester University and the De La Salle University. In the consortium, Dr. Lallana leads the research project on “Redesigning Disaster Governance and Management in the Philippines”.
He is consulting, E-Participation 2.0: Connecting Diverse Philippine Populations for Disaster Risk Management with a Toolkit Integrating Text and Speech Analytics (15 June 2016-Dec 2017) This is a joint project of National University and the University of California – Berkley.
He is Adjunct Professor, College of Computer Studies, National University (1 June 2016 to 30 May 2018) NU is a private, non–sectarian higher education institution in the Philippines that was founded in August 1900 as Colegio Filipino.
He is Member, Board of Management, Asian Media Information and Communication Center (AMIC). AMIC is an international, non-profit, non-government organization that serves as a regional research hub for media and communication issues. AMIC’s BoM serves as oversight body in the operational management of the organization Previous engagements include:
He used to be Consultant, National Privacy Commission, Republic of the Philippines (October 2016 – March 2017)
He was steering Committee member, Evolving a Global Open e-Governance Index (OeGI) for Network Societies. (Jan 2016 to March 2017) The project is lead by the Foundation for Media Alternatives and is funded by Making All Voices Count.
He was consultant, United Nations Asia Pacific Training Center for Information and Communication Technology for Development (UN APCICT), Incheon, Korea. (Feb 2008 to Dec 2016). At UN APCICT, he developed and conducted training courses for government officials of developing Asia on ICT Policy, eGovernment, and Social Media for Development.
He was resource Person on ICT and Higher Education (July-August 2016) Presidential Leadership and Executive Development tracks of the Philippine Higher Education Career Systems (Phil-HECS), Commission on Higher Education, Republic of the Philippines.
He was consultant, World Bank. (May 2015 -March 30, 2016) Provided advisory services and analytics for improving Civil Registry and Vital Statistics (CRVS) and ID Management Systems in the Philippines.
He was consultant, World Wide Web Foundation, Washington DC. (Oct 2015 to August 2016) Mentored a project that is developing a competency-based training program
on Open Government Data; and, advised the Web Foundation’s Open Data Lab in Jakarta on it stakeholder engagement strategy.